Ash decides to send out Gible next and has him begin with Rock Smash, which lands and causes Darkrai super-effective damage. Darkrai's attack completely overpowers Torkoal's and knocks it out in one shot as well, and Ash is quickly realizing that Tobias and Darkrai are living up to their reputation. However, it was ultimately in vain, because Darkrai fires right back with a super-effective Dream Eater, not only healing itself, but also knocking Heracross out in one shot.Īsh recalls Heracross and sends out Torkoal, whom he commands to use Flamethrower as Tobias commands Darkrai to use Dark Pulse. However, Ash expected this, and has Heracross use Sleep Talk, which turns into Megahorn the powerful Bug-type attack slams into Darkrai and causes it massive damage. Ash then commands Heracross to use Horn Attack, but Darkrai intercepts it with Dark Void, putting Heracross straight to sleep. Tobias tells Darkrai to use Ice Beam whilst Ash has Heracross use Hyper Beam, and the two attacks collide. Brock comments that it is a good choice to use a Bug and Fighting-type Pokémon like Heracross against a Dark-type Pokémon like Darkrai. As the battle commences, Tobias sends out Darkrai to battle first, while Ash sends out his Heracross. Both Ash and Dawn vow to continue pursuing their dreams, while in the face of their determination, Brock finds himself questioning his own plans… PlotĪsh is up against Tobias, the Trainer who managed to defeat all the Sinnoh Gym Leaders and all the other competitors using only his Darkrai. We leave our heroes as Barry bids them all farewell.

And since Pikachu is Ash’s last Pokémon, Tobias is declared the winner! This is the first time Ash has made it to the final four of an event of this magnitude, and he has gained the respect of Tobias-who then goes on to triumph in his final battle and is declared the winner of the Sinnoh League! When Ash turns to Pikachu as his final Pokémon, the action-filled bout gets even more intense, and eventually both Latios and Pikachu are rendered unable to battle at the same time. Latios proves too powerful for Swellow, and Ash is left with one Pokémon, while Tobias still has five! And with one move, Ash’s Sceptile is unable to battle.Īsh follows up by bringing out Swellow, and a sky battle between Swellow and Latios ensues. He next brings out Latios, another surprisingly powerful Pokémon. Tobias is unfazed by this turn of events.

Tobias comes on strong and quick, defeating Ash’s Heracross, Torkoal, and Gible one after another! But when Ash brings out Sceptile, a spirited skirmish begins, and for the first time during the Sinnoh League, Darkrai is defeated!

The talented Trainer is preceded by his reputation-he’s been defeating his opponents using only his Darkrai. The semifinal battle gets under way, pitting Ash against Tobias.